Trend analysis determines the likelihood of a price continuing in its current direction or reversing. Traders identify a probable future direction by observing how an asset’s […]
All ranks are out of 103 candlestick patterns with the top performer ranking 1. “Best” means the highest rated of the four combinations of bull/bear market, […]
Обычно требуется паспорт владельца автомобиля, свидетельство о регистрации машины и страховой полис (если он есть). Также важно, чтобы автомобиль был зарегистрирован на ваше имя и не […]
Spółka jest notowana na NewConnect pod skróconą nazwą „LTGAMES ” i tickerem „LTM”. Jest to drugi debiut w tym roku na alternatywnym rynku Giełdy Papierów Wartościowych. […]
The management felt that electronic trading was the only way to maintain the competitiveness of the exchange. Despite resistance from pit traders who saw electronic trading […]
Support levels form from the concentration of buying demand around certain price levels. However, that fear dissipates as a stock’s price reaches a support level. Support […]
The investor/lender charges interest (the repo rate), which together with the principal is repaid on repurchase of the security as agreed. A repurchase agreement (repo) is […]
Usually, though, a swap involves notional principal that’s just used to calculate interest and isn’t actually exchanged. Out of sight may not quite be out of […]